New York Neighbors


Staten Island, part of New York City, is primarily an urban area. Most areas are developed and structures are fairly close together. Sometimes neighboring buildings are owned by the same person. This was the case for a New York customer. Each building needed a pair of outside cameras; however, an obstacle was between them: a narrow road.


Laying cable is an ideal way to connect two locations. The upfront cost is high, but it creates the most reliable connection. Unfortunately the small, paved road turns laying cable into minor construction work, raising costs significantly.

The Internet can create a virtual connection. This typically requires no physical installation and the upfront is low. The problem is that long-term broadband costs are thousands of dollars and the reliability is reduced.

An economical and reliable alternative was needed.


Fortunately, LTS has a tool designed for cases such as this: a wireless AP (Access Point) module, such as LT-APNSM5. It is actually a pair of devices. They use radio waves to communicate and act like a single, long wire. It is a network device, so it pairs well with IP cameras. Designed for outdoor use, it can withstand, and operate in, harsh weather.

CMIP3923-Z IP cameras were placed at two key vantage points on each building. Two were connected directly to the LTN7608-P4NVR; two were connected via the wireless AP. Networking cable was used for all physical connections.


The wireless AP module successfully linked the two buildings. The video from the four cameras are indistinguishable from each other. The picture for the directly connected cameras and the wirelessly linked cameras are of the same excellent quality.

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